Well-Being at Work - New Innovations and Good Practices
Graz, Austria
In 2005, the annual EUPHA conference will be held from 10 to 12 November in Graz, Austria. The main theme of the Promoting the Public?s Health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care. The conference is organised by:
- Austrian Public Health Association
- Slovenian Preventive Medicine Society
- Croatian Public Health Association
Public health has entered a phase of rapid transition towards a wider interdisciplinary and intersectorial perspective. Taking this wider perspective, the new public health is aiming to tackle three major challenges:
- to strengthen health promotion and disease prevention
- to develop sustainable systems of quality management
- to link, coordinate and integrate health policies and health sectors.
The specific aims of the conference are:
- to identify and discuss current developments and challenges in the fields of health promotion and prevention as well as chronic and infectious disease care;
- to explore and discuss potential strategies and means for better communication, linking and coordination of health care and health promotion efforts and settings;
- to explore and discuss potential strategies and means to develop sustainable systems of quality management;
- to explore and discuss health reforms, potential strategies and means to link, coordinate and integrate health policies, health sectors and health services;
- to outline a common strategy for an European research and training programme in public health.
to register, click on the link below
Webpage: www.eupha.org/html/menu3_2.html