Welcome to the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion

work. in tune with life.

How to become a healthy workplace


  • Click2Move at the 10th International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH)

    C2M logo

    Results from the C2M project were presented by Prof. Anna Puig-Ribera, Dr. Judit Bort-Roig and the PhD Iris Parés-Salomón from the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, at the 10th International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Congress in Paris, France.

    They presented two posters on the results of the focus groups with the experts who participated in the Delphi study and the evaluation protocol of the Click2Move intervention. The results of the feasibility study of the Click2Move intervention for testing and refining it were presented in an oral presentation.

    ENWHP is one of the partners involved as Technological University of Shannon (Ireland), Zavod Apga (Slovenia), Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (the Netherlands) and the Rete europea per la prevenzione della salute nei luoghi di lavoro (ENWHP) (Italy).

    More information about the project in C2M project website.


  • ENWHP Newsletter-Summer 2024

    Summer ENWHP Newsletter NOW AVAILABLE. It contains the latest news about the network and the work we are involved in. This includes exciting news about four ENWHP developments that taken together represent significant improvement in our service offer.


Become a member


All organisations or persons, being personally or professionally interested or involved in the field of health at work, can become a member of ENWHP.

ENWHP facilitates the cross - border exchange of information and the dissemination of good workplace health practice in Europe. 

Join us NOW and access to the benefits of networking with peers, participate in policy development, be up to date on the latest research and practice, improve your career development and have free access to new guidelines and recommendations. 

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Suscribe to our Newsletter

It contains the latest news about the network and the work in which we are involved


Completed Projects

  1. PH Work
  2. Work in Tune with Life
  3. Move Europe
  4. WHP in an Enlarging Europe
  5. Healthy Work in an Ageing
  6. Building up Infrastructures
  7. WHP in Latin and Southern European Countries
  8. Public Administration
  9. Small, Healthy and Competitive
  10. Quality Criteria
