"Empowering for Health - Practicing the Principles"
Dublin, United Kindom
The conference will be jointly hosted by the Irish and Northern Irish Networks of HPH.
Main topics of the conference are:
- empowering hospital patients
- empowering hospital staff
- empowering specifically vulnerable groups
The Scientific Committee invites abstracts for parallel paper and poster sessions on all topics above, but also on:
- Children and adolescents in hospitals
- Migrant friendly hospitals
- Health promoting psychiatric health care services
- Smoke-free hospitals
- Health promoting palliative care and pain management
Abstracts can be submitted online, deadline for submission is January 31, 2005.
Ludwig Boltzmann - Institute for the Sociology of Health and medicine
WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion in Hospitals and Health Care
Rooseveltplatz 2
A - 1090 Vienna, Austria
phone: ++43/1/4277-48287
fax: ++43/1/4277-48290
Webpage: http:\\www.univie.ac.at/hph/dublin2005