
Results 71 to 80 out of 265.



Helsinky, Finland

The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) and the Finnish Zero Accident Forum are organizing an International Conference under the Vision Zero campaign. The ISSA “Vision Zero” is a transformational approach to prevention having as core values safety, health and well-being at all levels of work. This concept is flexible enough to be beneficial to any workplace, enterprise or industry in all regions of the world.


Bergamo Exchange

Italy, Bergamo

The Exchange provides an informal group of WHP professionals ample space for exchanging knowledge and experiences. In cooperation with Prof. Giuseppe Masanotti from the University of Perugia (adviser to the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion) and dr. Roberto Moretti from ASL Bergamo (instigator of the Lombardy WHP network), this year the Exchange constitutes a visit to Bergamo (Italy) where the local government promotes health in companies and within their own institutions. The organiser of the Exchange is the Dutch Centre Work Health.


Joining Forces in Health Promotion to Tackle the Burden of Chronic Diseases in Europe


is the title of a conference organised by JA-CHRODIS (Joint Action on Chronic Diseases) on 24-25 November 2015 in Lithuania. The conference will bring together policy makers to exchange and discuss the good practices identified for health promotion and primary prevention in the JA-CHRODIS: what and how we can learn from one another and how we can collectively strengthen health promotion to reduce the burden of chronic diseases.


Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress Summit

Spain, Bilbao

"Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress" comes to a close this fall with the Healthy Workplaces Summit scheduled on 3 and 4 November 2015 in Bilbao, the home of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). Across the course of 2014 and 2015, the European Healthy Workplaces Campaign has focused on the importance of actively managing stress and psychosocial risks in the workplace and encouraging employers, managers and workers and their representatives to work together to manage those risks. The Healthy Workplaces Summit will bring together leading European experts and decision makers to discuss the results of the two-year campaign, exchange good practice and explore future strategies for managing stress and psychosocial risks in European enterprises, through plenary sessions, workshops and discussion.


USE2015 - Understanding Small Enterprises 2015 Conference

Netherlands, Groningen

The conference will be held for the third time, provides a forum to enhance the understanding of small enterprises and has a unique focus on the well-being of both people and business. The subtheme of USE2015 is "A Healthy Working Life in A Healthy Business". The conference will gather approximately 200 participants from more than 20 different countries across the globe, and will share knowledge and experience as well as develop policies and activities that can support owners and employees to secure healthy working conditions in small enterprises. The conference represents a unique opportunity to gain insight into and discuss the latest research on small enterprises, the business aspects as well as the quality of the working life and working environment.

Breakfast debate "Facts and figures in health promotion at the workplace - special focus on nutrition"

Belgium, Brussels

The fourth session in the cycle "CSR and HR policy complementarities withing companies" deals with health promotion at the workplace. The focus this time is on nutrition. The event takes place at the THON Hotel EU, Rue de la loi - 1040 Brussels on Thursday, 2 July 2015 (8.30-10.00). The speakers will be Madi Sharma (Member of the European Economic and Social Committee) and David Gold (Managing Director, Gold-Knecht Associates).


Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summit 2015

Brazil, Florianopolis

The Florianopolis Summit 2015 will be the third Global Healthy Workplace Awards Summit, taking place from 18-19 May. At the Summit, awards will be presented to finalists in three categories: 1) small and medium-sized enterprises, 2) large enterprises, 3) multi-national enterprises. The preliminary agenda is available now. Applications are open now and close on 2 March 2015: click here to apply and have your application assessed by a panel of top international health and workplace experts! The GHWAwards are hosted by International Health Consulting, and i-genius, with the SESI as lead sponsor. More info... If you have an interest in these awards or would like to explore partnership opportunities, e-mail:


2. Dreiländertagung Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung 2015

Austria, Bregenz

In March 2015, the second "3country-conference" on workplace health promotion will be organized by a consortium of Austrian, Swiss and German organisations. The conference is a place of exchange on current developments in the world of work, as well as a platform for discussing future challenges and strategies for workplace health promotion and psychosocial health in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. BKK (NCO Germany) and Health Promotion Switzerland (NCO Switzerland) are part of the Steering Committee for the conference. Click here to consult the programme (in German). For more details, contact Ms. Silvia Moser Luthiger


Health and Wellbeing at Work 2015

United Kingdom, Birmingham

The ninth edition of this conference and exhibition is all about improving the health and wellbeing of work-aged people. The conference will provide new ideas and resources to ensure employees are engaged and motivated, healthy, resilient, return to work quickly following absence and stay in work. It also looks at how to design and deliver programmes that promote equality and diversity, comply with recent legislation and maximise both individual and organisational performance - by profiling national developments, service innovations, examples of best practice and the latest research and policies.

Occupational Health and Safety in Europe: Fostering Healthy Workplaces for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

Belgium, Brussels

An international symposium by Public Policy Exchange. The symposium will discuss how the number of occupational accidents can be reduced - especially in high risk industrial work environments - and will consider an effective cross-border strategy to prevent psychosocial risks and other work-related diseases. The symposium will allow delegates to examine and assess projects, tools and best practices tackling occupational safety and health issues in Europe, so as to create healthy workplaces and foster growth.

Results 71 to 80 out of 265.