
Results 231 to 240 out of 265.


Proving the Business Benefits of Employee Health Strategies

Amsterdam, Netherland

International experts speak on: Proving the business case; achieving senior management buy in for your health programmes Evaluating the success of your global health initiatives by setting up international KPIs on health Quantifying the value of employee health on the bottom line Taking a three-pronged approach to wellness by embracing the physical, intellectual and emotional wellbeing of your employees Managing absence and gaining business benefits from rehabilitation and quick return to work

Employers and Ageing Workers

London, United Kindom

By October 2006, it will be illegal to refuse someone a job, promotion or training or benefits on the basis of age. However, a recent study of 1,500 employers by Canfield School of Management found that nearly one in three employers had no clear plans to introduce age policies within their organisation.

VIII National Information Day about Workplace Health Promotion

Florence, Italy

On December 5, Italy will see "VIII National Information Day about Workplace Health Promotion". The Conference will be organised by ISPESL, ENWHP's National Contact Office in Italy, and held in cooperation with representatives of several Italian Regions.


13th European Conference on Public Health

Graz, Austria

In 2005, the annual EUPHA conference will be held from 10 to 12 November in Graz, Austria. The main theme of the Promoting the Public?s Health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care. The conference is organised by Austrian Public Health Association Slovenian Preventive Medicine Society Croatian Public Health Association


European Open Health Forum

Brussels, Belgium

The European Open Health Forum will take place in Brussels on 7-8 November. The objective of the Open Forum is to provide a platform for networking and exchange of ideas and views of different stakeholders of the European health community (health professionals' organisations, public health NGOs, patient groups, and service providers and funders).


Driving Business Excellence through Corporate Culture and Health

Berlin, Germany

Driving Business Excellence through Corporate Culture" is the subject of a European Management Conference which will be organised by the Network Enterprise for Health on October 13 ? 15 in Berlin. The conference is a European platform for enterprises which combine health, employee participation and corporate culture with business excellence as integral elements of their company policies because they are convinced that long-term business success depends on the interests of all stakeholders being taken into account in a well-functioning community.

Results 231 to 240 out of 265.